Sunday 17 April 2011

Birthday Carrot Cake

For the very strict vegans out there, this might be a slight shock, as I claim to be vegan most of the time, but on birthdays we have cake with an occasional egg in it. It is, however, ecological. This one even had cream with some cheese added and butter. Somehow I think three times a year, maybe four, having egg and some cheese isn't such a terrible thing. I will check out alternatives in time. I'd like to solve the carrot cake problem, it is a favorite treat. This recipe is with healthy rape seed oil instead of butter.

2 ecological eggs
200 ml. ecological sugar

Whip together until light and creamy

150 ml. rapeseed oil
1 tea spoon grated ginger
grated peel from one lemon (only the yellow part)
1 tea spoon cinnamon
300 ml. finely grated carrot
50 grams finely cut walnuts

Mix together in a bowl

150 ml. all purpose flour
1 tea spoon baking powder

Mix with the rest of the dough

Pour into round baking tray

Bake in 175C for approx. 45 minutes, cool


50 grams butter
75 grams Philadelphia cream cheese
200 ml. powdered sugar
1/2 tea spoon vanilla sugar or (even better) seeds from 1/2 vanilla pod

Pine nuts or maybe grated dark chocolate to decorate.

For the carrot cake addicts, this is a good recipe. I'm enjoying sugar poisoning as I write. I was a nice birthday cake. Enjoy!

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