Thursday 29 December 2011

Happy New Year

I hope the year to come, and new year's eve, will be as glorious as this picture taken from the Moomins Cookbook (ISBN 978-1906838-16-4) - the source of all our wonderful desserts, some interesting soups and ideas for what to do with leftovers. I haven't tried all the recipes yet, so good surprises to come, it seems.

Ola the guinea pig is sleeping on my stomach. We never had a guinea pig before. It has been the most wonderful experience. Ola makes his cute "I'm content" sounds and likes to sleep on my stomach for hours. It is scary though, Kipling said something about the risk of giving one's heart to an animal. Ola has my heart now.


diane b said...

Happy New year to you and Ola. The book cover is brilliant.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much and the same to you!

This is one of the illustrations from the book. Yes, really brilliant. It looks like a feast should look. The recipes are good and the book if full of her older and most gorgeous drawings. I wish Ola could bake with me, but I guess the dough would stick to his fur:)

Soju Shots said...

i love this image!!! i wanna join their party!!!!

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